Initial Health Detective Session

Are you tired of searching for answers to your health concerns?
Exhausted from going doctor to doctor explaining the symptoms and getting a pill shoved down your throat that brings along its own menu of side effects, but still not getting any real solutions to the root cause?
Do you feel overwhelmed with stress, completely exhausted, or maybe even find yourself feeling a bit depressed depending on the situation?

Happy Hangout's Health Detective Sessions guide you towards the answers you're looking for, and ultimately towards a healthier you. Our team of dedicated detectives will work closely with you to listen to your concerns, the history of ailments and issues, teach you muscle testing so that we can unravel the mysteries together, offer functional medicine at-home lab testing (as needed), and take an overall holistic approach that targets the root cause(s) and protocols to introduce small changes that lead to big impacts.
Positive Transformations with our Health Detective Sessions:
  • Establish Sustainable Foundational Habits: Our detectives provide the structure + support needed to turn positive behaviors into lifestyle changes
  • Renewed Mindset: Improve your mood; experience a positive shift in your mental and emotional state
  • Better Sleep Quality, Stress Reduction Techniques, Improved Hydration Habits
  • Community Support, Accountability, and Strengthened Self-Discipline
Potential Negative Consequences Without our Health Detective Sessions:
  • Root causes continued to go unanswered and become the Secret Culprit of many issues
  • Persistent Energy Drain, More Frustration and Stress
  • Higher Risks for the Silent Culprit to steal more of your day(s) away
Process of our Health Detective Sessions:
  • Intake Process: We start by reviewing your concerns, medical history, recent labs and blood-work, medications, supplements, nutritional and lifestyle
  • Bio-feedback Scan: Experience a comprehensive body scan, which provides valuable insights into your unique health needs through bioimpedance technology and trans-dermal optical imaging (technology used by the American Heart Association).
  • Muscle Testing and In-Depth Research: Our detectives use non-invasive muscle testing techniques to uncover hidden imbalances to identify the underlying causes of your emotional and physical concerns, paving the way for effective solutions customized for your body's needs.
  • At Home Lab Testing: If you want clear cut answers from a functional medicine perspective, we can recommend a variety of function medicine labs, protocols and detoxes
  • Co-Creation of Action Plan: Collaborate with your health detective to develop a personalized plan of action that is simple, effective, and tailored to your specific needs.
  • Results-Driven Approach: Say goodbye to guesswork and embark on a transformative journey towards a healthier, happier life with our Health Detective Sessions
  • Small Group Community: Access to our community, resources, and a collaborative approach
*We are not providing medical advice, treatments, diagnosis, cures, or prevention. See our privacy policy, disclaimers, terms, conditions, etc in the footer of the website for full details.
