+ REST + RECOVERY: I know, I know. You're probably thinking, "there's no way I can rest, there's too much to do!" Friend, this is the way STRESS is stealing your joy and draining your body. We will start small, don't worry I'm not going to ship you off tomorrow to a 3 month yoga retreat and tell you to "calm down". That's not how it works (if only our husbands would learn this, lol!) But we can adjust our sleep by 15 minutes/week and start to see improvement. Again, we will cover one small tip at a time to make this doable.
+ EAT (Food + Nutrition): Discover the Proper Nutrition for Your Body's Needs and to help you achieve your goals. We'll provide meal plans, recipes, helpful tips, and shopping lists. No need to make it complicated. We've got you covered. You won't be counting calories and you will NOT be starving yourself. Our focus will help you achieve the results while feeling GOOD about your choices.
+ SUPPLEMENTS: Where we can, we try to address all the nutritional needs through whole foods, but especially in the beginning and when working on a specific protocol, you may need to supplement to give your body a little extra push for 3-4 months while you work on correcting the underlying root cause. We will teach you how to read supplement labels, determine which brands are right for YOUR body, teach you muscle testing so you can see what your body needs as far as time of day, etc. We'll also provide you with our TOP THREE FAVORITE companies that we believe in.
+ SUCCESS MINDSET: You have to believe you CAN do this, and WANT to do this! We will cover mindset and belief issues throughout the program. Many times I've heard "Oh well my grandma had this, so I'm just destined to have the same issue. It's in our genes!" Actually, it may very well NOT be in your genes. And frankly only 5% of cancers are hereditary. 95% of diseases are lifestyle inflicted. Let's change the lifestyle slowly so you'll be set up for success, remove the toxicities, re-balance the deficiencies, and just FEEL BETTER!
+ STRESS is REAL and has Lasting Impact - let's dive deep to see where it has drained you so that we can recoup and recover. Did you know that even if you LIKE the heat - being out in the sun for too long can add (micro) stress to your body. But being out in the sun for the first two hours of sun-rise and the last two hours of sun-set can quickly stimulate your body's natural production of many vitamins, hormones, etc that can leave you feeling energized and feeling good all day long!
+ EXERCISE (Fitness + Movement): We utilize a graduated exercise plan that meets you where you are TODAY. No, it doesn't mean you start by walking 10,000 steps today if you were walking less than 3,000 yesterday, which leads to even more burnout and your body holds onto weight, stress mounds up, and you're drained again!
+ TOXICITIES + DEFICIENCIES: Toxins come from our cookware, the air we breathe, the water we drink, the food we consume, and the products we use. We will share a helpful guide to walk through your home and make small changes over the next year. Even those of us that feel like we've been toxin-free or toxin-less for years still have things lurking around the house. This is not a single action, it takes years of baby steps to make these swaps, so give yourself grace and take one step at a time. We'll cover one area each month to keep it simple. You'll get a toxin burden assessment to take before we start and you'll be able to retake the assessment every quarter to see the improvement. Introducing successful detox pathways thru various protocols, you'll be sure to find one that fits well with your lifestyle, schedule, and daily demands.
+ Did you know TRAPPED TRAUMA and TOXIC EMOTIONS can play a HUGE role in your gut health and that gut health plays a huge role in your happy hormones, which can lead you to feeling energized or fatigued? Yea, we'll cover that too. Are you starting to see why it takes 6-12 months to really work through these baby steps to see real results that LAST?
+ You'll get access to purchase discounted 1:1 health coaching services, at-home labs, the necessary protocols, and supplements to re-balance based on your specific needs.
+ A small community of women, just like you, to bounce ideas around, share tips, encouragement, successes and celebrations with (priceless)
+ Please see our disclaimers as we are not licensed medical professionals. I am a certified Integrative Health Practitioner who takes an combination approach to health and wellness overall, utilizing eastern + western medicine foundations, ayurverdic medicinal principles, functional medicine protocols and labs, as well as naturopathic and holistic approach to help my clients re-balance their body and feel better. I do not diagnosis, treat, cure, prevent, or provide medical advice. This web site and coaching program is provided for educational and informational purposes only and does not constitute providing medical advice.
Each person's journey (and body) is unique, and while there are general principles and protocols, the most effective strategies are tailored to individual needs.
I'm sure you're not the average person, so average protocols won't get You optimized results.
As an Integrative Health Practitioner and Health Detective Coach, I work closely with clients through group coaching and 1:1 sessions to develop personalized plans using muscle testing and proven protocols that align with your specific goals and challenges.
I will teach you how to customize the protocols for your body's specific needs.
If you'd prefer to add a bit of personal touch to the small group coaching with optional add-on personalized health detective sessions, you can select one of the additional packages included in your Welcome Email.
I'm excited to dive in and discuss how we can co-create a plan that's right for you.