Hello Friend!

Nice to meet you! I am
Amber Scott
AKA: The Coach 
Behind the Success Stories

I am firmly believe that everyone deserves to make fully informed decisions, especially when it comes to their health. 

We should be fully heard, made aware of various options, encouraged to research alternatives, and have a safe space to talk through all the options 
... especially for the scary stuff!

That's MY core mission here!

One of my favorite services we offer is the Health Detective session
Because of my own personal journey and that of several family members and friends with the
 amount of research, training, certifications, protocols and tools obtained - 
it just makes sense to share this with others to help them feel better as well.

I'd like to share with you the profound story that led me to this purpose-driven path.

Yes, this community was created with women in mind, 
but it's also for the men and children in our lives!

A bit about who I am -
  • Wife who is madly in love with my husband Jeff. Married in 1999, divorced, then remarried in 2005 - it's a crazy love story!
  • Mom:
    • two adult kiddos: Trenton (25) and Savana (18)
    • my pup Winston Bentley the Third (he's not a 3rd generation, he just acts extra bougie like he's royalty!)
  • a Daughter blessed with FOUR amazing parents and two fantastic in-law/parents
  • Business Degrees:
    • Bachelors Degree in Business Management
    • Masters Degree in Business Operational Excellence
    • Masters Cert in Government Contracting
    • Masters Cert in Project Management
  • Certified Integrative Health Practitioner
    • with a passion to help folks recently diagnosed with cancer to get their bodies in fighting shape to be able to successfully go thru treatment and kick cancer's ass!
    • I'm not a licensed medical professional, just a passionate health coach ready to dive deep and help you!
  • Hobbies
    • Gardening, while trying to work with nature, these groundhogs and raccoons are testing my patience!
    • Enjoy "meep meep'ing" on our scooters around town and down the bike paths.
    • Daily walks around the neighborhood to see the deer and other wildlife - Yes, I'm the crazy lady that talks to them all!
When health issues happen in my family or with my friends, I'm the FIRST to dive into research and find the solution!

My journey to where I am now was anything but a straight line. In fact, it was filled with unexpected twists and turns...

In 2005, my step-mom was diagnosed with breast cancer. Watching her go through that journey was painful. Filled with anger, sadness, and a ton of questions - I started to read more, listen more, research more, and ask more questions to every doctor I met. 
*My mom always said I asked waaaay too many questions, so this was even more!

In 2015, my personal health hit a breaking point. Debilitating migraines had become a regular occurrence, forcing me to call off work and spend days in agony. 

It was then that a friend introduced me to alternative holistic approaches, opening my eyes to a world of possibilities I never knew existed. As I dove into this new paradigm, I discovered hidden culprits affecting not only my health but also that of my family. 

My love for Bath & Body Works, with its enticing wallflowers and candles, unknowingly triggered allergies and wreaked havoc on our bodies. The shift from this discovery sparked a series of changes – from the products we used to clean our home to our skincare routine and even the scents and products we surrounded ourselves with daily.

In 2019, a pivotal moment occurred when I chose to remove my birth control, revealing a tumor in my left breast. 

Years of exposure to hormone-disrupting chemicals and stress had taken a toll on my body. 
Despite the scare, the tumor turned out to be benign, prompting me to intensify my focus on emotional and nutritional well-being. 

In 2023, we proudly opened a local space "Happy Hangout" designed to serve, encourage, educate, and empower women. And I began my official coursework through the Integrative Health Institute to become a certified health practitioner.

While we were prepping for our grand opening, we could tell something was NOT right with my Dad
After several visits to various doctors, specialists, and tests/labs - we received a diagnosis.

Dad's Cancer Journey was filled with HEAVY emotions, lots of discussions, research, and collaboration!
Summer 2023 - After months of testing to figure out what was going on with my dad and why he dropped from 200 lbs to 134 lbs over the matter of a few weeks (without trying), we received the worst diagnosis for my dad (Stage 4 metastatic prostate cancer) and was told there would be a very aggressive treatment plan, and it's not curable.

In fact we were told that his diet could be whatever he wanted, and 
that we should "just let him enjoy what he has left"

I cried, alot. 

Our hopes for survival were shattered, and expectations to make it to Christmas seemed impossible.  

But God!

I finally decided that I would be stubborn and just did NOT want to accept that outcome. 

So I got back into my research.

I'm happy to say that through several treatment plans 
(both conventional, holistic, and lots of prayers) 

Dad here with us today!!!

happy and healthy with lab reports of "cancer is undetectable". 

We were able to push through a very intense year and got Dad into fighting shape to be strong enough after losing weight (65+ lbs what felt like overnight), and he was able to handle the aggressive treatments with very minimal side effects of the 40 radiation treatments, with 2 years of hormone deprivation treatment and chemo. 

First, we give Thanks to God! HE is the one that made this happen.

Second, we give thanks to an incredible urology team for giving us the aggressive conventional medicine treatment plan and being open-minded about all my crazy "woo-woo" ideas and holistic methods to strengthen his body.

Third, if you talk to my Dad he says "Thanks to my girls, they saved my life!" 
talking about my step-mom and me. I created a very specific protocol for him to follow at home and my step-mom had to implement it - and she did FANTASTIC!

What set my journey apart was 
determination, grit, and passion 
to help my clients FIGHT 
... with clarity and a Plan

In June 2024, I received my Integrative Health Practitioner Certification, and am continuing my training to officially interpret at-home functional medicine labs.

After the scenario with my Dad and several other very close friends ranging from 40-80 yrs old, I decided I was going to release to the public my two programs:

  • The Energy Blueprint 
    •  to help women between 35-55 regain their energy
    • a 12-month small group health coaching program

  • Fighting Strong 
    • to help those recently diagnosed with cancer to get their bodies strong internally, in fighting shape, to handle whatever treatments they choose
    • a 12-month health coaching program individualized based on the client's needs

In July 2024, I earned the IHP Weight Loss Specialty designation - as the first practitioner in Ohio to earn this designation I am honored! But this is NOT my focus as of right now.

My goal is to help my clients develop a customized plan that details exactly what THEIR body needs, not just what the average person "needs". 

We use at-home functional lab testing, muscle testing, prior lab work, and a heart-felt approach to listening to our client's pain points, past experiences, and become an accountability partner over the next 6-12 months through their journey.

The transformations we've seen and have been such a blessing to witness.

If you feel like something is off and you don't know where to start, a Health Detective session is the perfect place to start. 

If you're ready to dive in - Join The Energy Blueprint!

If you've recently been diagnosed with cancer and feel like you could use a health coach to walk through this journey with you, book a Health Detective session and we can map out the path together!
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Copyright Amber Scott, Happy Hangout Ohio 
4090 Dayton-Xenia Rd, Beavercreek OH 45432